Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Weight Loss and Body Shaping Results

Apex’s weight loss and body shaping methods and systems have produced unprecedented results with thousands. Watch the video to watch real Apex clients share their real Apex results.

"I lost 20 lbs of fat, 3" off my waist and 2" off each thigh in 77 days with Apex."
-Tami Bates
Apex transformed my physique and energy levels in my 50’s!
Pedro Rivera
I lost over 100 lbs with Apex in less than a year.
John Piontek
I lost over 70lbs of fat in less than a year with Apex at 70 years old.
Marie Vincent
Apex not only transformed my physique but built muscle allowing me to easily maintain my transformation.
Melissa Lukon
Apex helped me lose over 100 pounds. There aren’t words to say how much Apex has changed my life.
Mitch Banta
Apex helped me lose over 100 pounds. There aren’t words to say how much Apex has changed my life.
Joycelyn Gumbos
Apex helped me lose over 100 pounds. There aren’t words to say how much Apex has changed my life.
Adam Demarco
Apex helped me shape some of the  specific areas I struggled with for years. I love Apex!
Stephanie Mahoe
Professional Bikini Competitor Fitness Magazine Cover Model
I lost 4” in my waist in 90 days with Apex.
Rick Parsons
Apex transformed my physique and energy levels in my 50’s!
Professional Cover Model
Armon Adibi
Professional Cover Model
I lost inches all over my body with Apex and learned how to keep the weight off.
Mary Reimchussel
I gained 11 pounds of muscle and lost just under 100 pounds with Apex.
Chris Dorworth
Apex simply works.
Winner Phil Heath Bikini Competition
Stevi Hunt
Apex transformed my physique and energy levels in my 50’s!
Armon Adibi
Apex help teach me the skills to get and maintain a physique I love.
Christie B
Apex took my physique to new levels helping me win numerous physique competitions.
Mitch Gammon
Apex helps me look my best.
Jennifer Dawn
Apex has been life changing.
Elizabeth B

How to get Started

1) Get your free consult/workout

Tour the facility and experience the unique Apex Fit strength training methods firsthand.

2) Select the plan right for you

Selected the plan that works best for your goals, lifestyle, budget and commitment level.

3) Begin you’re Apex Fit Journey

Begin your Apex Fit result journey!