Weight Loss

Weight Loss
Why You Need It

Transform Your Shape

Your body shape is a direct reflection of the form of the lean mass (muscle) and fat displacement underneath your skin. Apex Fit uses proprietary methos to target specific sections of muscle to tone and shape for your desired look as well as strip fat off your body in the places you want the most. In addition to strength training our body shaping programming has customized nutrition and blood work assessment options that can be added to eliminate any barrier toning muscle and shredding fat your body may have. Our Apex Body shaping training has helped thousands:

Transform target areas
Shred Body Fat
Tone, tighten and shape
Increase metabolism
Watch Video
"I lost 20 lbs of fat and gained muscle with Apex"
-Pedro Rivera
"I lost 20 lbs of fat in 77 days with Apex."
-Tammi Bates
"I lost over 100 lbs with Apex "
-John Piontek
"I lost over 50 lbs of fat with Apex."
-Marie Vincent

Body Shaping Exercise Results

Apex helped me get my dream physique in less than 6 months
Brook Stefanelli
Apex completely cured my sciatic back pain issues in under 90 days.
Pedro Rivera
Apex transformed my physique in under a year at the age of 70.
Marie Vincent
I lost over 100 pounds with Apex in 9 months.
John Piontek

Personal Training Pricing

Award Winning personal Training at an affordable price

1 on 1 Personal Training

As low as $68 per session

30 min & 60 min sessions available
1 on 1 with an Apex Specialist
DEXA Scan, 3D Body Scan and NPR Included
All Workouts stored and tracked digitally

Semi-Private Personal Training

As low as $45 per session

45 min sessions
1– 3 people with an Apex specialist
DEXA Scan, 3D Body Scan and NPR Included
All Workouts stored and tracked digitally


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